Dr. Dan and Wife Cheri President George H. W. Bush 41st President of the US with Dan and Cheri The Honorable Senator Bob Dole and Dan The Bentley Farm Schultz Creek, KY since 1929 150th Getttysburg Commemoration. Honest Abe and Dr. Dan Family at Gala Mica, Cheri, Dan & Erin Dr. Dan and first grandson 3 Musketeers at Republican Rally. Bob, Dan, and George Dr. Danny R. Bentley, Ohio University Southern. Teaching psychopharmacology. Brother Bill, Dad Roy, and Dr. Dan Erin (Graduate) and Dan U of L Law School Graduation Dr. Dan (Faculty) and Daughter Mica (Graduate) “Arm and Hammer” Dr. Dan (Faculty), Daughter Mica (Graduate) and Father Roy Dan & Daughter “Miss Ashland” Erin Bleed Blue!